Finding HOPE in loss - Trust the process

Journey, 2022, mixed media on a canvas

   I truly enjoyed the process of creating at the moment and slowly witnessing the emergence of symbols with significant meanings. 

    I created Journey from the mid of August to early September 2022 as a part of my self-care and a reflective piece towards my clinical practice. During this time, I was on the verge of burning out, hence needed to get away from work temporarily. At the corner of my cabinet, I noticed the long-forgotten canvas and I thought to myself "How about painting on it?". 

    I started by simply selecting the colours that best represented my moods at that time and exploring the wet-on-wet technique on the canvas. Looking at how the paint flowed and merged with other colours provided me with an outlet to express spontaneously which regulated my feelings and calmed my thoughts. I repeated this process until I felt it was good enough for me - that my feelings and thoughts were normalised. 

    Next, I attached the crushed glass to the painting and added lines to connect them. Concurrently, I noticed the symbols that I held closely appeared in them - the dragon and nature (tree and clouds). The dragon, for me, has been a symbol of strength and playfulness. Whenever I think of it, I imagine it moving freely in the sky and at the same time, it held great power and wisdom. I realised that I could have been hard with myself at work, trying to be the best at my work and neglecting the need to care for myself. During my art therapy practice, I used to be playful with art-making and constantly trust the process to validate feelings, acknowledge experiences, and ultimately heal inside and out. Now, with private practice, I find it difficult as I constantly needed reminders for it. 

    Perhaps, the dragon appeared at the right time, it is time for refocusing. 

🌼Ling In🌼 
September 12, 2021

In this safe, held, and contained space, I invite honesty and acceptance and simply focus on engaging in my creative-making and reflective visual journaling, on finding ways to express, empower and build inner resilience. 

This blog is intended only to record my own art practice and reflective visual journaling. 
[All images and texts belong to the artist/writer.] 


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