Toddlers MESSY PLAY - Little Messy Champs 06 August 2023

💯 Inspiring Art Therapy Moments: Personal Stories

    This time it was an utterly sensory-engaged experience. Last Sunday - 6th August, a messy play party was conducted for toddlers aged 2 - 3 years; some went directly into the play while some took some time to get comfortable with the mess. But that's okay! Let the children show you how to play!

Each child has a way of playing - in this matter, getting messy. They explore with their senses and come to a level where they get comfortable with the mess and become engaged with the process. It seems hard to believe at first but it's the truth. There was one toddler who was surprised to get paint on their legs, therefore he cried. We used some distractions - our favourite, bubbles; he became calmer thereafter. After some time, he watched his mother and the facilitators model the play to him, and he began to explore paints with tools. While other children were playing with bubbles, he was too engrossed in his exploration and refused to budge from his spot. "Sorry about the mess, but we are LEARNING here!" Always allow the children time to learn and eventually, they grow. 

🌼Ling In🌼 

Aug 07, 2023

In this safe, held, and contained space, I invite honesty and acceptance and simply focus on engaging in my creative-making and reflective visual journaling, on finding ways to express, empower and build inner resilience. 

This blog only intends to record my art practice and reflective visual journaling. 
[All images and texts belong to the artist/writer.] 



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